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Virtual fields

Declare any fields you want to process in typescript as virtual fields.

const virtualFieldsLoader = makeQueryLoader({
// ...
virtualFields: {
fullName: {
dependencies: ["first_name", "last_name"],
async resolve(row) {
// async code supported
return Promise.resolve(row.first_name + row.last_name);

The virtual fields can then be selected exactly like normal fields. Their return type will be inferred if possible.

const data = await virtualFieldsLoader.load({
select: ["id", "fullName"]

Virtual fields are only supported when using load/loadPagination currently. If you're loading results manually using getQuery you won't get the virtual fields.

Using ctx when resolving

The query arguments are passed as the 2nd argument to each virtual field resolver. This can be used to return a field based on the context, e.g.

const virtualFieldsLoader = makeQueryLoader({
// ...
virtualFields: {
content: {
dependencies: ["content"],
resolve(row, args) {
if (!args.ctx.isLoggedIn) {
// Return null if user isn't logged in.
return null;
return row.content;

A virtual field can override a real field by using the same name. This can also be used to access control certain fields based on user context.

Remote joins

If you need to load remote data in your virtual fields, it's often more efficient to use a batch loader, rather than returning a promise in the resolve function of each row. Use load for this purpose.

⚠️ Avoid This!

virtualFields: {
posts: {
dependencies: ["id"],
// 📉 This can lead to performance issues.
resolve: async (row) => {
const posts = await fetchPostsForAuthor(;
return posts;

✅ Do This Instead!

virtualFields: {
posts: {
dependencies: ["id"],
// 🚀 Use the load function to fetch data in batches
async load(rows) {
const allPosts = await fetchPostsForAuthors( =>;
return allPosts;
// ✔️ Use the resolve function to handle synchronous operations.
resolve: (row, args, posts) => {
// Only return the posts of each user.
return posts.filter(post => post.authorId =